One horse at a time

Whether you own a trail horse for pleasure riding, a high-performance athlete, or simply a pasture pet, your horse deserves optimal nutrition and a healthy environment. You deserve the time to enjoy your horse, rather than just working to take care of it. Na Lio helps horse owners improve horse health, nutrition, and wellness. 

“I have a strong focus on proactive equine health and wellness, built on a solid foundation of proven techniques informed by the latest scientific research.”

– Lauren Birchall, MSc
Independent Equine Nutrition Consultant
Na Lio Equine Nutrition & Wellness

Equine wellness extends beyond nutrition alone

Lauren Birchall is an independent equine nutrition consultant and the owner of Na Lio Equine Nutrition and Wellness. Na Lio means “the horses” in Hawaiian. For Lauren, this name simply brings together her passion for horses and her love for Hawaii. 

Na Lio is independent and not affiliated with any supplement or feed companies. Na Lio’s programs are based on a comprehensive examination of your horse and a range of effective, science-based products to create a nutrition plan tailored to your horse's individual needs.

Through a complete assessment of your horse's environment and activities, Na Lio will help identify triggers that may be contributing to your horse's underlying conditions, including potential sources of stress and frustration, inappropriate exercise programs, and other environmental factors that may affect the health and wellbeing of your horse. By addressing the nutritional needs of your horse as well as their environment, Na Lio will ensure a well-rounded approach to overall health and happiness for your horse. 

Simplify nutrition, optimize health, improve performance, achieve genetic potential.

These are the goals of Na Lio's nutrition programs. The abundance of information available to horse owners can make it overwhelming to even know where to begin designing an appropriate nutrition program. Na Lio can provide you with guidance to help navigate all of this information and develop a nutrition program that works for you and your horse.

Na Lio’s mission: help one horse at a time.